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Get Your Damascus Chimney Cleaned Now

An annual chimney cleaning in Damascus and surrounding areas is one of the most important tasks to ensure your system is operating efficiently and safely.

A professional chimney technician will thoroughly inspect your chimney, make any repair recommendations, and remove any hazardous creosote from the interior of your chimney. Creosote is a by-product of burning the adheres to the inside of your chimney and can catch on fire in intense heat and spread throughout your home.

If you’ve been postponing your Damascus-area chimney cleaning, there are several reasons why now is the best time to complete the task.

  • Along with colder temperatures come less daylight in which professional chimney technicians can work. Our business relies on sufficient daylight for safe and effective cleanings.
  • The threat of inclement weather impacts our ability to perform our job safely. Snow, wind, rain, and sleet are all elements that inhibit our work. As we near winter, this type of weather becomes more prevalent, restricting the work we can complete.
  • As freezing temperatures approach, many animals look for a warm place to hide for the winter. A chimney often provides them warmth and safety from cold temperatures. A chimney cleaning and inspection will make sure no animals are building homes and blocking your chimney.
  • Having your chimney cleaned now means it will be ready for the first burn of the season — if you haven’t already lit a fire. While others will be scrambling to make sure their chimney and fireplace are in good, working order, you’ll be able to entertain and enjoy yours.
  • Lastly, by having your chimney cleaned now, you will be able to focus on entertaining for the holidays, not worrying about the condition of your fireplace and chimney.

At MCP Chimney, our technicians will thoroughly clean and inspect your chimney to make sure it’s ready for use when the temperatures become unbearable. We recommend a thorough chimney cleaning every 12 months. If you haven’t had your chimney cleaned in that time frame, contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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